7 Benefits of Getting Out of a Toxic Relationship

In a today's world, with all the different kinds of social media, there is talk about toxicity and how the media is toxic. The media also talks about toxic relationships be it doesn’t really talk about getting out o them. From being in one myself, at first I didn’t know I was in one but when I realized I didn’t know how to go about getting out. I felt back in to a corner with no where to turn. That was until I started listening to myself and took the leap of faith with support by my side. After I went on my way to build myself back up to who I was before, and who I want to be.

1. Being able to ask for help.

To get out of a toxic relationship, you need to be able to go to others. You learn to ask for help when you need it. That help can be anyone, from a parent, to a friend, to a therapist - someone that wants the best for you and is willing to help. They will be there for you through the situation, and help even after. My best friend really helped me during this time, and was the support I needed to get through it. By doing this you take the first step in a long needed process of healing.

2. Creating different connection

Creating different connections with others that are or were in a similar condition, as you can form bonds and friendships with others. Personally it has made me and my best friend get even closer having gone through the same experience at the same time. It builds a different and stronger foundation to the friendship. It makes you feel like you are not alone in this situation because you are not alone. Surround yourself with people that you have that connection with. People that will support you, where both of you will become stronger.

3. Creating healthy habits

After getting out of a toxic relationship, at first you do not know what to do with your life. Creating healthy habits will help you stay out of that slump. A health habit like coloring, painting, reading a book, or maybe going for a drive with some music in the background to really clear your mind. I know some of these activities still work for me. Others like working out a little more here and there, Fueling your body with more substance such as fruits, proteins, and vegetables, and letting your body rest and relax a little are great options to keep yourself content.

4. It makes life feel freeing

There is a sense of freedom after getting out of a toxic relationship. It feels as though there is a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Getting rid of the stress in your life will do so much in the long run with your school work, work attitude, and/or overall mental health. It will make you feel less tired; you don’t have to put up a façade every day or mask your emotions anymore. Personally it made it, so I could go out and be who I wanted to be, which I couldn’t have done in the toxic relationship.

5. Creating an understanding of self-worth

Going through a toxic relationship, you lose some of your self-worth, and maybe even lose yourself in the process. By getting out, you can now develop your own self-worth and define yourself. Being able to feel alive and understand how you really should be treated. Along with giving you a sense of reassurance of who you want to be and who you want to surround yourself with. You can get a good feel of how much you truly are worth and now know not to let anyone make you feel any less.

6. Changing your routine to fit your lifestyle

Being in a toxic relationship can make you feel very controlled and constricted in your own life. Eventually after following the routine over and over again until it becomes like second nature. So, changing your routine will help get out of that head space and disconnect you from the situation. By doing this you can create one to fit your own style and get in tune with yourself again. The routine could be something small, like taking an hour out of your day to reflect or taking time to do the things you enjoy doing.

7. Leaving makes you happier

With getting out of a toxic relationship you just feel like an overall happier person; being yourself again without anyone putting you down for it. You can be fully yourself. Being able to do things that bring a smile to your face is what life is all about. Personally with not having a toxic friend in my life I have been a lot happier and feeling like myself again. I am able to feel confident and comfortable in my own skin. Leaving does not just improve your mental health, but it also improves your emotional health.


These are just some of the reasons to get out of a toxic relationship. Toxic relationships, whether it be a significant other, a friend, or family member, are a serious problem. Looking out for toxic relationships and knowing when to get out of them is very important. However, I know it can be hard to leave the relationship because you do not think there will be anything to look forward to after getting out. That is wrong: there is so much to look forward to, not just the things listed. Once you see the signs try your best to get out and become a better version of yourself.



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