7 Ways to Make Sure Poor Children Have a Good Education

Some children don’t have good experiences in school because they are poor at home and don’t have access to certain things. Poverty is a big problem when it comes to education because it can affect the child’s look on education for the rest of their life and school experience all the way to high school. I think that poverty is bad by itself but if it is affecting a child’s education then it is really important. The problem is that if children don’t have a good education because of poverty then when they are older they are going to miss out on job opportunities. What will come next are the seven ways that poor children can have a good education.

1. Having new clothes and shoes

By having new clothes, children will be more excited to go to school because they wouldn’t have to worry about wearing the same clothes or even clothes that were donated to them. Having new clothes and shoes will make children really happy and want to go to school. Children will just have a better school experience if they have good clothes and shoes to wear. Even though clothes might not be the most important thing in a child’s school experience, having clothes will make them happy because they wouldn’t have to worry about saying that they have nothing to wear.

2. Donate food to families

Some children don’t have access to good meals and aren’t eating well at home. To make sure that children can focus during school, they have to be getting good nutrition. By donating food to families in need, the children will be able to better concentrate in school. If children have food at home then they are more likely to be successful in school because they will be getting good nutrition at school and at home as well. Donating food is really important because some people are really in need of food especially children because it is bad for them to be undernourished.

3. Having good supplies will make children happy

Even though children might not think that having good supplies is a big deal, sometimes having good supplies will make the students excited to go to school because they get to be using new things. Some families don’t have enough money to buy supplies and have to be using supplies that they had in the past or supplies that their siblings didn’t use. It is also good that sometimes companies will go and donate supplies to families during back-to-school season. Supplies might not be that important but all children want new things especially the poor children.

4. Give children motivation about school

Poor children will often think that they don’t have to go to school if their situation at home is bad. Even though some children will feel that way, their education is important so it is important that families motivate their children to go to school. By motivating the poorer children to go to school, they are going to have a brighter future even if their childhood was rough. By going to school the children will learn skills that even their parents can’t teach them and will always remember those experiences.

5. Don’t put children to work

In other countries and in poor areas, the children are put to work and they can’t go to school because they need to provide for their families. By not putting children to work, the children will have an opportunity to get an education and not have to be put to work all of the time. Children living in poverty in other countries aren’t meant to be working for their families because they are meant to be in school getting an education. Children might not be happy if they are working because they might be put to do things that normally children would do.

6. Make sure that children want to finish school

Sometimes poor children won’t be motivated to finish school because they aren’t having good experiences. It is important that the parents motivate their children to go to school because people need to go to school in order to be successful in life. If poor children are motivated to go to school then it will make their life better because at school they don’t have to worry about life at home. Finishing school is really important because having an education is really important because it can mean that children will have a good future by having a good job, house, family, etc.

7. Show that education is important

Showing poor children that their education is important is such an important thing because sometimes children that are having a tough time at home don’t want to go to school. Sometimes those children don’t want to go to school because they don’t think that they can concentrate on their school work or even get it done. Children will sometimes think that they don’t have to go to school but they really do have to go to school. This is an important point because even if children might be poor and even some more than others, they still need to have an education.


Poverty can impact a child’s education even though it might be something that is not shown often. These points are the things that need to be done to make sure that poor children have a good education. These things should be done because education is the most important thing in a child's life because it can impact their future and their whole life. Education with poverty is really important because it is an issue that some people look over. Children are the future so the poor children really need to be helped and make sure that they have a good education.



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