7 Harmful Chemicals To Look For In Your Makeup Products

Have you ever actually read or looked into what you are putting on your face? Makeup and skin care products are things that most women and now most people use everyday. When going to buy a product you make sure it is cruelty free, but that is usually it when it comes to research. Little do we know there are many harmful things that makeup products can contain that we don’t know about. I learned this the hard way, after putting a primer on my face that caused a horrible chemical burn on my face. It lasted for two months of just pain, all from a small amount of siloxanes. You should always look into what ingredients are in your makeup, and here's why:

1. BHA (Beta-Hydroxy acids)

When doing research for this listicle I had found that there are many different types of harmful chemicals in makeup products, more than I knew of. Starting with BHA or Beta-Hydroxy acids. This chemical is commonly found in exfoliants and skincare products. The idea for BHA is to peel away the surface of your skin giving it a glow and fresh look. Yet in reality this chemical causes scarring and discoloration in skin. It is mostly dangerous for pregnant women to use, because it has been linked to causing birth defects.

2. Parabens

Parabens are chemicals that can “disrupt hormones in the body and harm fertility and reproductive organs.” it can also “affect birth outcomes and increase the risks of cancer.” Those are all big things right? So it comes as a shock that this chemical is in most waterproof makeup such as waterproof mascara. A lot of brands use this chemical in their products which gives them the long lasting products, which sells. People look for makeup that will last the whole day and unfortunately parabens are cheap.

3. Triclosan

While triclosan is an antibacterial, which may make you think that it is a good thing, it is not. Triclosan has been connected to many health problems. Such as, skin irritation, allergic reactions, and the most dangerous contact dermatitis. What is that? Well contact dermatitis is when the skin comes in contact with an allergic reaction in the body. The skin then turns hot, puffy, and irritated. The best way to get rid of this is by going to the doctor and getting medication from them. So it is easy to say that it is scary.

4. Petrolatum

Petrolatum is a mineral oil jelly. It is used to lock moisture into your skin. Petrolatum is better known as PAHs, and PAHs is linked to...well, cancer. Which is very concerning, at least for me. The less extreme side effects are skin irritations and allergies. While allergies are a given to almost anything,

5. Siloxanes

Siloxanes is a synthetic chemical. Commonly used in foundations and primers as it gives a smooth look on a face. Yet what it really is, is a plastic film over your face, which is super gross to think about. It is also commonly found in hair products as it smooths out frizzy hair. Besides the fact that it is toxic, it is also linked with fertility issues. Also over-time, the chemicals seep into your skin, which can cause interference with your nervous system.

6. Dibutyl phthalate

Dibutyl Phthalate, also known as DEP, is known to cause reproductive problems. Such as endocrine disruption. It interferes with hormones on the body causing things to go wrong. DEP’s are dyes or coloring in makeup products. Therefore products such as eyeshadow, blush, foundation, contour, etc. Anything that contains color, which is almost everything in makeup products.

7. Sodium Laureth Sulfate

SLS or Sodium Laureth Sulfate is a chemical that strips all natural oils from the skin. With using this chemical more than a few times, it starts to seep into your skin and breaks your skin down. Causing rashes, eczema, and dermatitis, which are all major skin issues that are very difficult to deal with. That is without a doctor's medication or medicated lotion. While this one isn’t as bad as the rest it is still horrible for your skin.


To bring everything that I said together, the seven chemicals that I listed are chemicals that you want to avoid. Whether it be in your makeup products, skin care, or really anything that you put on your face. This issue is very important to me, and I hope that after you read this, it is important to you as well. I have learned how important it is to read ingredient lists before using the product, because you never know what could happen to your face. After all of my research I have come up with my research question. Which is: Why is it important to read what chemicals are in your makeup products.



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