6 Ways Cyberbullying can impact someone and how it can be prevented

People get bullied on social media every day and it can affect the way they look at themselves. I believe there are ways that cyberbullying could be prevented and help those that are being put down on the social media platform. This is important for a couple reasons but for starters I have personally seen my friends with large followings get bullied and watched them slowly fall back and change due to it. Another reason this is important is because our generation lives on social media and cyberbullying is a daily thing that needs to be identified, controlled and stopped.

1. Mental Effects

Mental Breakdown

People that are bullied are more likely to experience depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety. Not only does it change the way you look at yourself but it makes you feel lonely.I have seen it personally with my own friends. They started to slowly drift away from our friend group and always were so hard on themselves. And it's so sad to see the people I love having to go through this and think they are alone. Cyberbullying has a huge impact on everyone's mental health and changes them in many ways.

2. Social Effects

Social Problems

Being social is what can build you up or tear you down. In today's generation, social media is what everyone lives on. That is how many people make a living, by being a youtuber or influencer on that social media platform. Living in today's world people also say anything they want on social media even if it hurts you. Cyberbullying is real and happens every day but no one seems to realize. This forces those who like to post and share their life on the internet to fall back, judge themselves, listen to other opinions, and not like who they are anymore.

3. Behavioral Effects

Behavioral Issue

Not only does cyberbullying have an impact on the mental and social life of a person but it also has behavioral effects. People
who tend to get bullied can sometimes act out. They can do this for many reasons. For example, they can do it to fit in so the bullying
can finally stop. They can act out to get attention because they are hurt and destroyed on the inside. And lastly they can act out to get revenge for how they were treated and because no one helped or did anything.

4. Know the apps & platforms

social media

Cyberbullying can come from many apps and platforms. And I believe that if you inform yourself on what the most popular apps are used for, you could prevent yourself from being bullied. The best thing you can do to help yourself is have a complete understanding of what this generation likes and does not like to see on social media. I also think it is best to stay off the apps if you are not truly into it just because you may get caught in cyberbullying without even knowing. Many people think it is funny to comment mean things and will convince themselves that it is just a joke. But little do they know it is truly hurts someone on the internet.

5. Keep personal life private

Private life

Keeping your private life off social media will save you like no other. I really believe that when celebrities or even people with a large following post their personal life, that is where it could hurt the most. People on the internet are cruel and do not care about anyone's feelings. They will say what they think no matter if it hurts. So I think it is best to keep your personal life private that way no one can have an opinion on the way you are living your life. You could do something little as eating a bowl or cereal and then get bullied for the type of milk you use, or the color of the bowl. I know it sounds dumb but it is true and is sad because it is just the generation we live in today.

6. Think Before Posting

thinking before posting

When you post something on the internet, it never goes away. You may think you deleted it but you do not know if someone screenshotted it and sent it to someone. Thinking before you comment or post something is also another way cyberbullying can be prevented. I have seen my friends post thing they wish they did not and still dealing with repercussions. They regret putting things on the internet for the whole world to see and have their opinion on. Not only will thinking before posting help you prevent being cyberbullied but it will also help those that are being treated badly on social media.


Cyberbullying is a real issue and needs to stop on social media. These points hopefully inform you on what cyberbullying does and how it can be prevented. It is important to me because I have seen loved ones be affected negatively and it hurts to see them in pain. So I hope everyone will identify, prevent, and stop cyberbullying. Next I would like to write about how celebrities on social media have changed due to all of the negative comments and posts towards them on their journey.



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