7 Ways Rock Climbing May Enhance Your Life

Rock climbing. You may have heard of it in recent times due to its recent boost in popularity. It has been blowing up on social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram, and as of 2020, has been added to the National Olympics. Rock climbing is a sport where, as the name suggests, you climb using rocks as hand and foot holds. While this was first done outside using a rope system and natural forming geography, it has mainly moved indoors in two variations. There’s belaying, where a climber will use a pulley system and attempt to climb as high as they can, and there’s bouldering, which uses no rope system and doesn’t go very high but relies more on physical strength and technique. I have recently got into the rock climbing scene and it has unequivocally bettered my life, and I’m here to tell you how it could improve yours starting with my own experiences.

1. Widens your social circle

If you construct a regimen or at least climb semi-consistently, you will find no trouble integrating into the rock-climbing community. Personally, I take an interest in the bouldering field and whenever I’m there I always end up meeting new people. I’m not sure what it is about the hobby, but no person I’ve met so far has been rude or coarse in nature. Everyone in the community is just trying to better themselves and help others succeed since at the moment, it’s not some kind of competitive field. It has made me a more sociable person and given me many connections.

2. Helps with mental health

Before I decided to start rock climbing I was not attending college and had a mediocre job. I wouldn’t say I was depressed, though my whole life and outlook on it was pensive” After finding out about this new hobby, I decided to start attending regularly. The accomplishment of completing a section and slowly seeing yourself improve time after time again is a surge of confidence. Something about the getaway, away from everything else and solely focusing on yourself and the wall, created an environment where I felt truly happy.

3. Trains the mind to improve problem solving skills

How to Solve a Problem: The Rise (and Falls) of a Rock-Climbing Champion - By Ashima Shiraishi

Rock climbing, whether it’s belaying or bouldering, gifts you with the ability of objective perception. One thing I have noticed from rock climbing is that my ability to act quickly, rationally, and logically has improved. Before climbing on the wall you must analyze it and figure out the path using logic and reasoning. Then, once you have a formulated route in your head, the actual climbing creates a kind of problem solving ‘fight or flight’ situation. Because, if something along the route you realise doesn’t make sense or are not able to physically tackle your path, in the moment you have to think of the next movement for your hands and feet and tie it back to your original path. With practice this line of thinking becomes second nature and slowly integrates itself into everyday thought.

4. Works out the body

Now we move onto the more scientifically backed side of benefits. Rock climbing is a sport, thus, it requires physical strength and endurance. This sport works out all areas of the body since it requires a mixture of everything. It requires arm and leg strength to keep yourself up. Lower and upper body strength to keep yourself balanced. Finger strength to keep yourself secure. With regular attendance your body will become physically stronger alongside the aforementioned mental enhancement.

5. Gives an outlet for stress relief

Rock climbing requires mental focus that helps keep anger and stress targeted. Since it is a physical activity too, stress can be released physically as well. Though it’s not just a simple matter of using it as a meditative effect that helps combat the cortisol. The physical exertion you produce helps tremendously at getting endorphins going, making you feel better, and in turn reducing stress levels.

6. Helps the cardiovascular system

It’s no news that activities requiring the strength of the body usually tie into getting the heart pumping. Rock climbing is a great sport for increasing cardiovascular strength. As you climb a wall, using your muscles to maneuver around and keep yourself up, your heart pumps faster to supply oxygen around the body. After each wall it’s normal to take a break before tackling the next one, so as like with running, the sport itself has built in necessary stops needed for growth. As like with regular cardio training, this will also help burn calories on top of increasing your heart's strength.

7. Can assist in combating chronic diseases

Rock climbing is a sport. This has been stated numerous times, though that being said, it’s also a type of work out. As per usual with robust exercise done for more than 20 minutes, it can help reduce risk of developing chronic diseases. These diseases can include type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and various forms of cancer. Rock climbing has also been shown as an effective tool to battle against the effects of chronic stress, much in line with the previously mentioned benefit.


I hope I was able to convey some of the enticing benefits of this new hobby. From increasing mental and physical strength, to helping someone with their social life. I only recently found this hobby, somewhere around two years ago. I’ve never regretted spending my time on it once, I wholeheartedly support anyone trying to get into the field. I want people to give it an opportunity to change their life for the better, as it has mine. The next time you see or hear about a nearby rock climbing gym, you might wanna try giving it a chance. While rock climbing has numerous, near infinite amount of paths on each different wall, almost all of them lead towards a happy life style.



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