As a biochemist, if you are working in hospitals, universities, or industries you must work in a lab most of the time. You may have to separate carbohydrates or to identify a lipid. You can also be asking what the proportion albumin in egg white is. Like I was asking as a student. In this case, you will have to do everything step by step and its what we will look at now.
Egg white it is a matrix rich in albumin which we must experimentally determine the proportion performing a protein dosage. To measure the total amount of protein present in the egg white sample, the Biuret method will be used, which is a special property of peptide links. Knowing this amount, will be able to adjust the concentration of the sample so that the volume and amount of protein deposited on the polyacrylamide gel is appropriate. There are many ways to measure proteins and differences are based primarily on their sensitivity as well as on the type of the chemical reaction used. The reaction must be specific enough to this specific protein to be able to dose them even in the presence of contaminants. A substance with at least two peptide bonds will form a dark blue to purple colored complex with Cu2 ions in an alkaline medium containing copper sulfate. The intensity of the coloration is proportional to the amount of peptide bonds, and thus to the amount of protein.
For protein to be deposited on the polyacrylamide gel to be adequate, the concentration of the sample must be adjusted. The sample pad contains glycerol, dye, and a Tris pH 6.8 pad, this pad has been prepared at four times its concentration of use. This allows the different electrophoresis samples to be assembled according to the desired protein proportions and ensures that all samples have a final concentration of "1X. This final concentration of the sample buffer is important because the SDS-PAGE migration yields much cleaner results when all wells have similar ion volumes and concentrations.
Electrophoresis is a widespread method of separating biological macro molecules. The general principle is to apply a sample on or in a gel consisting of a tangled and porous matrix. An electrical current is then applied, and the molecules move according to their charge towards the appropriate electrode. The pores of the matrix are adjusted so that the molecules can pass through them, but with difficulty. Under these conditions, at equal load-to-mass ratio, smaller molecules will migrate further, and larger molecules will be further slowed down by the gel pores and migrate less far. If the load-to-mass ratio and conformation are uniform, the molecules will be separated only according to their size, and the molecules of the same size will form distinct bands that will be visualized by appropriate coloration. The proteins will be visualized by coloring from the gel to the blue of Coomassie. Albumin will be identified by a scale of protein molecular mass markers and quantified using parallel quantification standards.
You have been dosing albumin, prepared the sample and putting it on a polyacrylamide gel to separate protein by kind, so now you can determine the amount of albumin for 1 gram of egg white.
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