8 Reasons Why Technology is Bad

Are you worried about your cellphone taking over your life? These 8 reasons will answer why you should not let social media take over your life. After doing a research paper on how technology negatively affects people, I was able to come up with lots of reasons. These 8 reasons will give you a deeper look at how harmful it is to spend so much time on cellphones, video games, and laptops.

1. Eye strain


Eye Strain is at the bottom of the list because it is something that is easy to fix. A break from the screen is what's needed. If this is a constant issue then you are spending way too much time on the screen. Blue light glasses is a recommendation to help with the eye strain, but not guaranteed. Eye Strain can lead to headaches and should and neck pains. Do not let it get to this point.

2. Laziness

Laziness has become out of hand. Instead of getting dressed to go out and eat people are now having it all delivered. Instead of going to the store to see what is new people look it up on the internet. Instead of walking around looking at Christmas lights people are looking at pictures. Technology has made people lazy. Now you do not have to memorize how to get to an address. You simply plug it into the GPS and let it go from there. How do we fix this? Explore, memorize the number as if your device is running out of battery, and lastly, enjoy time out while you can.

3. Ruining Gatherings


When going out to restaurants all that is seen is people on their phones. Families are not interacting anymore. Everyone is to busy looking at what is new on the internet. Little do people know, that meal could be the very last meal for someone sitting there, but the phone is more important I guess. A way to fix this is have a basket and put all devices in there. Even playing cards will help since it involves interaction.

4. False Image

Technology is putting a false image out there for many. Especially on social media, all these people are putting how lavish their lives. People are comparing that image to their lives and it is leading to others feeling bad for themselves. Joe could have the latest iPhone and advertising it, but in reality it could be a piece of paper. An easy fix to this is to not believe everything you see.

5. Anxiety


"Click. Just posted the best picture I have taken. Lets see how many likes I get." This is what goes through many people's minds when they use social media. The anxiety builds in people because they fear they will not be accepted for who they are by others. All the phot shopping and editing people do to their social medias just to stand out. This is an issue because anxiety could lead to other issues.

6. Addictive


At number 6, we have addiction. The addiction to technology is harmful because people then do not realize what is around them. When walking around NYC people are glued to their devices not knowing what might come at them. People get hurt even killed because they do not see the car coming. I compare technology to a drug because the more someone uses it, the worse it can be. People use technology to hack. Kids get so addicted to it that you can ask a group of 10 teenage boys how to build a bird house and they'll have to look it up. They do not know anything else other then Tik Tok and YouTube.

7. Bullying


At number 7, the second to worst reason technology is bad, cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has been more common since technology has advanced. Now you can make fake accounts to harm people with comments, threats and blackmail. People can access anything that is not private and use for identity theft. Cyberbullying has been a cause to self harm and sometimes taking a life. Technology has made all of this possible.

8. Death


At Number 8, the biggest reason why technology is bad is because it can lead to death. People get behind the wheel of a vehicle and will turn their attention from the road to their text messages, GPS, and even the internet. Technology is a distraction and if it were not for being able to access everything at your fingertips, people would still be alive and would not be paralyzed.


These Eight reasons as to why Technology is bad is just what I found through my research paper. Technology is good, but just like everything else, it is being used way to much for the wrong reasons. So next time you want to get a social media account, drive, or even snoop on the internet remember why you were not doing it in the first place.



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