my job


What is it like to be my job?

It is nice to be a lawyer

What do my jobs do?

Read books and talk to judges

What do my jobs do on a typical day?

Start in the morning reading books and finishing the job at night talking to judges

Where do my jobs work?

Where do you do my job

How can I become my job?

How can I become my job

How much money do my jobs make?

How much money do I make

What kinds of additional training do my jobs need?

Additional training to do my job

What are the dangers of being my job?

Dangers o fjo

What are the chances that my jobs will be replaced by robots soon?

Job will be replaced by robots

What age do my jobs retire at?

Age to retire



More by this author

Introduction link: my introduction

Glossary link: glossary

Screencast link: screencast

Listicle link: listicle

Sources and RADARS ratings


Rationale: to inform or educate


Word count: 55

Error count: 11
