Health Care Administrator


Hi, my name is Savera, and I am studying Science at Montmorency College. The reason why I am in this program is to become a health care administrator. I am creating this article because I would like to share my career with other people who want to know more about health care administration. Also, if you want to become a health care administrator, this article will help you know a lot about this job. Finally, if you are hesitating between choosing this job or another one, you will have a better idea about what is this job, what do you do in this position, what are some risks of the job and way more.

What is it like to be a health care administrator?

To be a health care administrator is very stressful, because you have a lot of things to take care of in the same time.

What do health care administrators do?

Health care administrators have as a job to take care of employing health workers, such as nurses, health specialists and others non health workers. Health care administrators have to carry an organization in all of its aspects. For instance, they have to develop a policy in the organization and make sure it is respected.

What do health care administrators do on a typical day?

In his daily occupations, a health care administrator works in an office and do a lot of meetings in which he plans and helps the organization in all of its aspects. Also, he could need to travel to other sites or programs.

Where do health care administrators work?

Health care administrators works in a lot of places, such as regional health authorities, but they can also work in a hospital, for instance, in a mental health unit. Health care administrators can also work in institutions such as academic institutions. They have a lot of places to work in, but in general they work in the field of medicine.

How can I become a health care administrator?

To become a health care administrator, you need to make a master degree in any related health fields, such as nursing administration, and hospital administration. However, you need to be certificated from domains that are related to health leadership, such as safety, public policy and leads.

How much money do health care administrators make?

The health care administrator salary varies depending on the organization you work in. However, the salary in a year is around 101,811.00 dollars.

What kinds of additional training do health care administrators need?

To become a health care administrator, you don't need additional training. The only requirement that is needed is experience. In short, the more you earn experience the more you are needed.

What are the dangers of being a health care administrator?

They are no real danger related to being a health care administrator.

What are the chances that health care administrators will be replaced by robots soon?

Health care administrators are in demand in these years. There are not a lot of chances that these workers will be replaced by robots. Also, a health care administrator cannot be replaced by a robot because he needs to have skills such as leadership and motivation, which a robot cannot possess.

What age do health care administrators retire at?

The age of retirement in health care administration is around 75 years old.


Finally, I wish this article helped you if you wanted to learn more about health care administration job. Also, if you were hesitating, I wish this article helped you to make your choice.

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